May 6, 2022Liked by Greg Pratt

why stop at decedents of slaves? Why not expand to include descendants of holocaust survivors or those in-prisoned in internment camps?

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What was the response like?

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Look at the end of the OP for Appendix 1 which contains an image from this AADL page with an Ann Arbor News Article from 1986 that documents the gentrification/dispossession of black residents: https://aadl.org/sites/default/files/aa_news/aa_news_19861020-citys_black_neighborhoods_disappearing.jpg

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@james: Thanks for reading and responding. Good questions! I have one brief response to each question: 1) Nazi holocaust of Jewish families/persons, TGBLQ folks and other identity communities deemed not “aryan,” was addressed in part via creation of the state of Israel along with German reparations to persons directly impacted. Also this is more of a euro/near middle east context. We can hardly impact the decisions of the federal government directly let alone the world community. 2) Re: internship of Japanese families/persons, Reagan signed the civil rights act of 1988 which afforded about 80K residents $20K each.

Not so brief, but anywho, thanks again nice to meet you.

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